Digital Media Courses
ARCH 3590: Introduction to Computation and Fabrication (Fall 2012)
Instructors: Anne Leonhardt with Zach Downey
Assistant: Brian Ringley
This course is an introduction to digital fabrication. It will explore the qualities of materials such as wood, concrete, and plastics in the context of computational design and digital fabrication thinking and techniques. Projects will provide students with experience in the use of a variety of tools, equipment, concepts, and emerging digitally-driven technologies, including parametric rule-based design, subtractive fabrication, assembly techniques, and iterative design processes.

Pilot: Intermediate Methods in Computation and Fabrication (Fall 2012)
Instructors: Hart Marlow
Assistant: Michael McCune
This course is an introduction to digital fabrication. It will explore the qualities of materials such as wood, concrete, and plastics in the context of computational design and digital fabrication thinking and techniques. Projects will provide students with experience in the use of a variety of tools, equipment, concepts, and emerging digitally-driven technologies, including parametric rule-based design, subtractive fabrication, assembly techniques, and iterative design processes.